1. Standing, activates the core and gets me stronger overall;
2. With one arm resting while the other is curling, it allows me to lift heavier and keep a good form resulting in stronger biceps and a great pump too (good for hypertrophy);
3. It feels great on my joints. It helps me have a more durable and flexible elbow joint and greater biomechanical function. At least it feels that way.4. By performing enough slow-controlled reps and getting close to failure on 2-3 sets, biceps soreness the next day is guaranteed.
This was my biceps workout yesterday, after doing back:
Standing Dumbbell Curl
- First set: 15 reps X 14 kg
- Second set (drop set): 10 reps X 18 kg; 10 reps X 16 kg; 8 reps X 14 kg;
- Third set: 8 reps X 18 kg