Welcome to nattyandfit.com!
My name is Daniel. I am a 49-year-old average man. I started my natural after-40 fitness journey in October 2023 (after a 17-year hiatus) primarily focused on health, and I have many questions regarding fitness after 40 I am trying to find the right answers for and share them with the world:- What is the best meal and training plan to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously after 40?
- How much muscle can I gain naturally at this age and beyond 50?
- What natural supplements are "a must" for best fitness progress?
- How long will it take to reach a plateau?
- How does overall health improve by following such a fitness journey?
A few pieces of info about me
Here is a picture of me on vacation in 2021 when I was 46 years old, not training since 2006, not counting calories, but eating whole foods 85% - 90% of the meals. I had quite some extra pounds at that time.
My Sports Experience
I began swimming lessons when I was four years old, back in 1979. However, I didn't continue for long. When I turned twelve, I resumed swimming and practiced it like a pro for three years. At fifteen, I switched to martial arts and continued for five years before getting into bodybuilding. I started to lift weights at the end of 1994 and continued inconsistently for about five years until I stopped training completely in 2003. In 2005, I returned to the gym and trained until 2006. Fast forward to October 2023, when I was 48 years old, I stepped into the gym for the first time in 17 years.20 years old versus 49 years old
The picture on the left was taken in December 1995. I was 20 years old and had about a year of experience in weightlifting. The photo on the right was taken on July 14, 2024. It shows my nine-month fitness progress. However, my journey to improve my fitness after 40 is just getting started. I feel better and stronger with each workout, and I'm growing to love the fitness lifestyle more and more each day. For additional pictures, please visit the Progress page.
Spin Kicks (video)
Martial Arts are like riding a bike. Once you learn it, you never forget it. The form might get rusty without practicing for many years, but some moves remain. It's been almost 30 years since I quit martial arts, and I still have some of the moves. Done this after squatting on a leg workout day.