Sometimes, food is not enough and some supplementation is needed
Now I've reached a healthy body fat percentage (around 18-20%) and as I aim to build more muscle, I can't cut more calories but rather eat around 100-200 calories over the maintenance needs. If my calculations are right, this will help me build muscle and have more visible abs in a reasonable amount of time. To reach my fitness goal, and after consulting with a dietician, I've concluded that I will have a good protein shake mixed with healthy fast absorbing carbs (fruits, raw honey) right after finishing my workout, and my healthy homemade post-workout meal two hours later. This should optimize my muscle recovery and boost my gains because cabs, protein, and other nutrients from the protein drink are absorbed faster than digesting a regular meal.These are a few examples of my healthy post-workout meals
The macro counting in these meals is split into 40% calories from protein, 40% carbs, and less than 20% from fat. Most meals you see in these images have about the same ratio. Usually with even less fat, anywhere from 5% to 10%.
Here is a post-workout home-cooked meal example: rice, chicken leg roasted meat only, and zucchini, providing about 61 grams of carbs, 61 grams of protein, and 12 grams of fat.